February: Timeless Trends

As we’ve been prepping for new construction projects beginning this spring, we catch ourselves going back to the basics consistently. The styles that to us are classic, ageless, and enduring. This month we wanted to share our Top 5 Timeless Interior Design Trends.

  1. Natural Materials - Incorporating natural elements is an easy way to add timeless appeal to your home. Some examples of these include stone, wood, fabric, live plants, etc. Not only do these materials help to create a timeless design but they also bring an inviting atmosphere.

2. Mixing Old & New - Combining vintage and modern elements is a great way to bring an eclectic and interesting vibe to your home. This combination is an easy and fun way to show off your style and add very distinct character to your home.

3. Statement Lighting -Lighting plays a crucial role in any interior design. Lighting is an easy way to elevate any room. Drawing the eye upward, lighting also helps improve the balance in every space.

4. Built-In Shelves - Whether they’re in the kitchen, living room or office, few things add more charm to a space than built-in shelves. There is a reason why they have been around for centuries! Not only do built-ins make a room feel bigger but they also add versatility and depth.

5. Artwork - Artwork is a finishing touch that brings life to your interior. A beautiful piece of artwork can portray a certain feeling, show off your personality and even strike up an conversation. What you hang on your walls should help tell your story!

Are there more than 5 interior design trends that we embrace? Yes. The biggest piece of advice that we usually give to clients after talking about timeless-ness in a space is to invest in your home.

High-quality craftsmanship and high-quality pieces are key to achieving any good design. Cabinetry, tile, furniture, hardware and plumbing crafted with attention to detail not only look good but they last longer. Quality is (and always will be) a trademark of timeless design.


(Design Credit: 1. Blanc Marine Interiors, 2. Sean Anderson, 3. W Design, 4. Amber Lewis, 5. Tiffany Leigh.)


March: Howdy, from Texas!


January: New Beginnings